Sunday, April 12, 2009

Just Say NO to Hiccups!

At our family Easter bash today, a kindergartner came down with a serious case of hiccups. To this little boy's amazement and joy, we got rid of them instantly. Over the years, I've done the spoon-in-glass technique with literally hundreds of kids (and adults, too) with 100% success.

To nix the hiccups:
  1. Fill a glass of water.
  2. Put a spoon in the glass, head down, with the handle poking out.
  3. Lean the tip of the spoon against the hicupper's forehead before suggesting to drink as much of the water as possible. (Actually it doesn't matter how much water gets swallowed, but it sounds good.)
  4. Viola! The hiccups are gone.
Skeptical? Hiccups are caused by spasms in the diaphragm. The idea behind scaring or offering water to a person with hiccups is to distract them, so the diaphragm can relax. These things seldom work, or they take several tries, because hiccup victims can think past swallowing and loud noises. The spoon puts the focus on the gentle poke in the forehead, so the diaphragm can get back to normal.

If you're in a place where you don't have easy access to a glass or metal spoon, have no fear. It may take an extra try, but paper cups and plastic spoons work, too (For some reason, it doesn't work as quickly with a fork. Go figure).

Margaret Gordon, my friend Jeanne's mom, gave me this spoon-in-the-glass hiccup remedy when I was in third grade, some thirty years ago, and it hasn't failed yet!

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